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Louisiana Technical College -Young Memorial Campus

Radar Observer Courses
3 Day
Any student successfully completing the 3 day Radar Observer (Rivers) course and presenting his/her certificate of training at any Regional Exam Center will satisfy the requirements of 46 CFR 10.480.
4 Day
Any student successfully completing the 4 day Radar Observer (Inland) course and presenting his/her certificate of training at any Regional Exam Center will satisfy the requirements of 46 CFR 10.480.
5 Day Unlimited: Any student successfully completing the 5 day Radar Observer (Unlimited) course and presenting his/her certificate of training at any Regional Exam Center will satisfy the requirements of 46 CFR 10.480
1 Day
Radar Observer Recertification
Any student successfully completing the 1 day Radar Observer Rectification course and presenting his/her certificate of training at any Regional Exam Center will satisfy the requirements of 46 CFR 10.480 for renewal of any endorsement as Radar Observer.
Radar Observer (River, Inland, Unlimited) Starts on Monday at 7:45a.m.
Call for reservations.