SLCC - Corporate College

H & B Young
 Marine & Petroleum Safety Training Center

Apprentice Mate Steersman

Any applicant successfully completing our Apprentice Mate (Steersman) course and presenting our Certificate of Training within one year of the completion of training, will satisfy the examination requirement of 46 CFR 11.201(j) for original issuance, 46 CFR 10.227(e)(iii) for renewal of a license as Apprentice Mate (Steersman) of Towing Vessels (Near Coastal or Inland)


Apprentice Mate (Steersman) Western Rivers Navigation

Any applicant who has successfully completed our Apprentice Mate (Steersman) Western Rivers Navigation course and presents our  Certificate of Training within one year of the completion of training, will satisfy the Navigation General examination requirements to add a Western Rivers route to a license as Apprentice Mate (Steersman) Inland or Near Coastal.

Supplies needed for class:

Rules of the Road book (Needed for first day).

          (Needed by the end of the first week)
q  Parallel Rulers – 15” Weems & Plath
q  Dividers – Weems & Plath No. 176
q  Magic Rub Eraser
q  Highlighter
q  Pencils
q  Charts (The TR designates training chart. Please make sure the Chart number starts with TR.)

1. Chesapeake Bay         TR 12221 Training Chart

2. Long Island                  TR 12354 Training Chart

3. Block Island                 TR 13205 Training Chart

                      Sites that sell Training Charts


Campus Locations

H & B Young

Marine & Petroleum Safety Training Center

3225 Youngs Road
Morgan City, La. 70380

Phone: (985) 372-6247


Marine & Petroleum Safety Training Center

331 Dickson Rd.

Houma, LA 70363

Phone: (985) 372-6247

Young Memorial Campus
900 Youngs Road
Morgan City, La 70380
Phone: (985) 380-2957

Dean of Maritime & Continuing Education
Anthony Baham

Assistant Dean of Marine Operations
Captain Carl Moore


